#318 Another Call For Drug Legalization

Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005
Subject: #318 Another Call For Drug Legalization


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DrugSense FOCUS Alert #318 – Monday, 5 December 2005

On Sunday, Dec. 4th the Seattle Times picked up an OPED written by
former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper in which he makes a firm
declaration that we need to end our current policy of drug
prohibition. His suggestion? Replace prohibition with a legal,
regulated distribution system for all in-demand drugs.

Stamper’s opinions mirror those of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
http://leap.cc , the international group of police, judges and others
with long experience fighting the drug war who believe that drug
prohibition should be replaced with legal regulation.

Please consider writing a short, succinct Letter to the Editor of the
Seattle Times letting them know of your support for Stamper and for
his position on ending drug prohibition.

In Addition, you can help us get this important OPED placed into other
newspapers. See below for details.

Thanks for your effort and support.

It’s not what others do it’s what YOU do


The Seattle Times OPED can be seen here:

US WA: OPED: Legalize Drugs — All of Them

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v05/n1901/a05.html

Contact: opinion@seattletimes.com


Additional suggestions for writing LTEs are at our Media Activism Center:


You are welcome to join MAP Media Activism Facilitator Steve Heath and
other LTE writing friends of MAP this Thursday evening, Dec. 8th at 9
pm EST (8 pm CST, 6 pm PST) for a roundtable discussion of how to
write LTEs that get print and how to best respond to this Focus Alert.

See: http://mapinc.org/resource/paltalk.htm for details on how you
may participate in this important meeting of leading minds in
reform. Discussion is conducted with live Voice (microphone and
speakers are all that is needed) and also via text messaging.
The Paltalk software is free and easy to download and install.

The password for this gathering will be: welcome-pal (all lower


HELP US get this and other important drug policy reform-minded OPEDs
into print in other newspapers across North America.

Contact Steve Heath at heath@mapinc.org for details of how to work
with us in our Drug Policy Writers Group project.



Please post a copy of your letter or report your action to the sent
letter list (sentlte@mapinc.org) if you are subscribed, or by
E-mailing a copy directly to heath@mapinc.org if you are not
subscribed. Your letter will then be forwarded to the list so others
can learn from your efforts.

Subscribing to the Sent LTE list (sentlte@mapinc.org) will help you to
review other sent LTEs and perhaps come up with new ideas or
approaches as well as keeping others aware of your important writing

To subscribe to the Sent LTE mailing list see



Prepared by: Stephen Heath, MAP Media Activism Facilitator =.