#322 Steve Kubby Is In The Placer County Jail

Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006
Subject: #322 Steve Kubby Is In The Placer County Jail


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DrugSense FOCUS Alert #322 – Saturday, 28 January 2006

Name: Kubby, Steven Wynn

Age/Gender: 59/Male

Jail ID/Booking No: P00049899/0601064#

Facility/Floor: PC/N

Book Date: 1/27/2006 14:41

Arresting Agency: Placer County Sheriffs Department

Custody Status: In Custody

Authority: Charge(s): Bail:

Bench Warrant 1. 11377 (A)HS Possess Controlled Substance

Total Bail: 0

With the above data from http://www.placer.ca.gov/sheriff/jail/jailreports/incustody_BN.htm
we now know Steve Kubby’s current status.

His friends and supporters are asking us to contact the

Bradford R. Fenocchio, Placer County District Attorney

Phone: (530) 889-7000

Fax: (530) 889-7129

Email: bfenocch@placer.ca.gov

Note: Deputy DA Christopher Cattran may be contacted at the above phone number.


Sheriff Edward N. Bonner (who has ultimate responsibility for the

Phone: 530-889-7800

Fax: 530-889-6883

Email: pcsoweb@placer.ca.gov

You may also make complaints via this web form:



Additionally, contacting the county’s Board of Supervisors could be

See: http://www.placer.ca.gov/bos/bos.htm


We ask that your keep your messages to the point and be respectful.
The goal is to insure that Steve remains in good health, and that the
County is aware of it’s responsibilities under the law.

Please keep a record of your contacts. While we pray it will not
happen, you may thus be able to provide evidence in a wrongful death

Good news: After much pain & anguish Attorney Bill McPike reports that
Steve Kubby is to receive Marinol in the Placer County Jail! He is
currently being housed in the infirmary.

He is scheduled to be arraigned at 1 p.m. in Dept. 13 of Placer County
Superior Court, 11532 B Avenue, Auburn, California, Tuesday.

This hearing is going to be an arraignment hearing on his misdemeanor
violation of probation. Bill McPike, Steve’s attorney, has indicated
that Cattran, the prosecutor, will probably ask for more time.

Here’s how to contribute to Steve’s commissary:

Anybody can put money on Steve’s books for commissary & health items.
These must be a US postal money order.

No letters may accompany the money orders. Letters of support may be
sent to the same address.

MOs should be made out to Steve Kubby.

Steve Kubby

BK 49899

c/o Placer Co Jail

2775 Richardson Drive

Auburn, CA 95603

While many organizations have providing information about what has
happened to Steve since Wednesday, the Friday evening blog by Ann
Harrison http://www.cannabisreport.com/blog/archives/2006/01/sf_sup_investig.php
is informative.

For more background information, please see http://www.kubby.com

It is also important to write Letters to the Editor in support of
Steve — many targets may be found at http://www.mapinc.org/kubby.htm

Letters to Placer County’s newspaper, the Auburn Journal
http://www.auburnjournal.com/ sent to ajournal@goldcountrymedia.com
will help insure that the local public receives the whole story.

Thanks for your effort and support.

It’s not what others do — It’s what YOU do


Prepared by: The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense =.