From FireDogLake http://fdlaction.firedoglake.com/2010/08/25/google-to-run-just-say-now-ads-censored-by-facebook/
By: Michael Whitney Wednesday August 25, 2010 12:21 pm
Good news from Google: the search giant has accepted our marijuana legalization ads.
Google’s decision to run the ads is an affirmation that the search network is mature enough to run ads that are clearly political speech.
Bruce Fein, former Associate Attorney General for President Ronald Reagan and Just Say Now advisory board member, had this to say:
“Facebook’s concocted prissiness over political advocacy is more to be disparaged than imitated. Freedom of expression is made of sterner stuff. Google deserves applause for exposing Facebook to shame.”
These ads were also accepted by Google:
You can see the censored ads and sign our petition to Facebook protesting their decision here.