INSITE: SAVING LIVES IN VANCOUVER Re: Injection Site Cuts Fatal Overdoses By 35, April 18. I am a doctor at Vancouver’s safe injection site, Insite, and I would like to address some misinformation about it. No one who works in harm reduction thinks that it is a replacement for rehab […]
Letter Of The Week
SOME DON’T UNDERSTAND NEEDS OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENTS Today is a very sad day. As a medical marijuana caregiver, it is always sad to read in the obituaries that one of your patients has died from the debilitating effects of cancer. I watched her struggle with her disease for the […]
Legalizing Marijuana: An Exit Strategy from the War on Drugs
by By COHA Research Associate Zoë Amerigian • U.S. drug policy needs to be altered; legalization must be subject to serious debate • Legalization could eliminate illegal demand for Mexican marijuana and curb drug-related violence • Medical dangers of marijuana may be largely exaggerated • Economic costs and benefits should […]
Obama’s Facebook Forum Fails to Silence Marijuana Legalization Advocates
By Scott Morgan, Associate Editor, In an apparent effort to prevent marijuana legalization from again dominating the discussion, Obama’s next online townhall event will not allow participants to vote on their favorite questions for the president. But what does that say about the politics of social media? And will […]
Marijuana Law Reform: What’s Next?
This week, in observance of 4/20, we’re taking a look at the politics of pot in America. We kicked off yesterday with a quick overview of marijuana law reform efforts over the past twelve months. Today, we check in with a leading legalization advocate, Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the […]
Vancouver Injection Site Becomes Election Issue
Vancouver’s controversial safe injection site became an election issue Monday after yet another published study showed it has saved lives, prompting the study’s author to say Conservative policy on the site has no basis in fact. Critics demanded Prime Minister Stephen Harper drop his government’s opposition to the clinic and […]
Letter Of The Week
DRUG FIRMS AGAINST PATIENTS GROWING MEDICINE Did you know the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved pill form of marijuana (Marinol) only contains one of the compounds or cannabinoids that are found in the marijuana plant? That compound is tetrahyrdocannabinol or THC. Recent research in marijuana has shown it has many […]
Drug Policy Research
Download over 650 peer-reviewed journal articles and significant reports on Harm Reduction and Drug Policy Reform! This comprehensive (and amazing) collection of references includes the following categories of papers: Alcohol harm reduction Cannabis Drug Education / prevention Drug policy documents – the need for change Drug policy history Economic issues […]
Tell Attorney General Holder: Stop Raiding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
28 raids in 24 hours. That’s the unfortunate reality for medical marijuana patients in Montana and California. Federal agents shutdown 26 dispensaries across Montana and 2 in the medical marijuana sanctuary city of West Hollywood, California this month in their latest attack on patients and legitimate businesses. But back in […]