Obama and Calderon Fail to Discuss Alternatives to Drug War By Daniel Ernesto Robelo Mexican President Felipe Calderon and President Obama ignored the elephant in the room in their meeting — drug prohibition is the cause of prohibition.
Letter Of The Week
BILL COULD LEGALIZE, REGULATE MARIJUANA USE A Solid and Sensible Case for Legalization Thank you for making such a solid and sensible case for the legalization and regulation of marijuana [“Legalize marijuana,” Opinion, Feb. 20]. As Seattle’s police chief for six years, and as a law-enforcement officer for nearly three […]
‘High’ holy men downed by Nepal cannabis ban
Mohideen Mifthah KATHMANDU, March 2, 2011 (AFP) – Police in Nepal on Wednesday cracked down on the sale of cannabis at a major religious festival where the drug is smoked legally by thousands of long-haired holy men to honour a Hindu god, an official said. Marijuana is illegal in Nepal, […]
Harper’s Faith-Based Drug War
We should not pretend that Bill S-10 has anything to do with evidence – or with making our country a safer place in which to live. by Neil Boyd Associate Director, Criminology, Simon Fraser University. The Harper Conservatives are under fire for their extraordinarily expensive legislative initiative, Bill S-10. Among […]
ALERT: #465 Will New Mexico Repeal Its Medical Marijuana Law?
WILL NEW MEXICO REPEAL ITS MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAW? ********************************************************************** DrugSense FOCUS Alert #465 – Saturday, February 26th, 2011 It seems more likely than not that the New Mexico Legislature http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/ will repeal the state’s medical marijuana law. New Mexico became the 12th state in the country to allow legal access […]
Letter Of The Week
A BUDGET SAVING IDEA: END THE WAR ON DRUGS One area of the federal budget that should be cut is the money spent to fight the drug wars. Primarily, this means decriminalizing personal drug use by peaceful adults and regulating the sale of currently illegal drugs. Whether we are talking […]
Why This Cop Asked the President About Legalizing Drugs
The president’s YouTube comments are a tremendous first step for a more open national dialogue on drug reform. You might not think a 65-year-old retired cop would take to the Internet to ask the president of the United States to consider legalizing drugs, but that’s just what I did recently. […]
Ingredient in cannabis restores taste for cancer patients
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011 PARIS – The ingredient that gives cannabis its “high” and famously whets the appetite can help cancer patients recover lost pleasure in food, according to a study published on Wednesday. Researchers in Canada enrolled 21 patients who had been treated with chemotherapy for advanced cancer, and […]
How many medical marijuana patients are there?
Drug Policy Question of the Week – 2-26-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 2-26-11. http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3284 Question of the Week: How many medical marijuana patients are there? The Congressional Research Service reported that, “A July 2005 CRS telephone survey […]