Drug Policy Question of the Week – 1-10-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 1-10-11. http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3220 Question of the Week: What are NAOMI and SALOME? NAOMI stands for the “North American Opiate Medication Initiative.” It is a, “two-centre, parallel, […]
Letter Of The Week
TEACHABLE DRUG MOMENTS’? PLEASE Regarding the Dec. 16 letter “Teachable drug moments”: Shelley Mowrey of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America wants us to be shocked at the video of Miley Cyrus smoking salvia divinorum. Mowrey calls it a “teachable moment,” which we parents should use to “initiate a conversation” […]
Top Ten Marijuana Victories in 2010
By Rob Kampia It’s with enthusiasm that I present this top-10 list for 2010. While there were a few disappointing losses — most notably the statewide ballot-initiative defeats in Oregon and South Dakota on November 2 — almost everything else demonstrated positive momentum for the marijuana policy reform movement. In […]
ALERT: #463 Our Letter Writing Heroes
OUR LETTER WRITING HEROES ********************************************************************** DrugSense FOCUS Alert #463 – Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 Since the Media Awareness Project was started as an email list over a decade and a half ago a major goal has been to empower folks who write letters to the editor in support of drug […]
Drug Policy During the Obama Administration: An Assessment
Ethan Nadelmann — Drug Policy During the Obama Administration: An Assessment from Hungarian Civil Liberties Union on Vimeo.
Letter Of The Week
THE RIGHT TO SELF-MEDICATION Re “Medical marijuana user free after plea deal” (News article, Dec. 14): It seems to me that the right to self-medicate should be a fundamental right. Adult citizens of a so-called free country should not have to seek permission from their government to use a natural […]
2010 In Review
MAP presents 2010 in review. http://mapinc.org/find?365 (United States) http://mapinc.org/find?366 (Canada) http://mapinc.org/find?367 (United Kingdom) http://mapinc.org/find?368 (South America) http://mapinc.org/find?369 (Australasia) http://mapinc.org/find?370 (Asia)
Drug decriminalization pays off in Portugal as US weighs its options
By The Associated Press Monday, December 27th, 2010 LISBON, Portugal (AP) — These days, Casal Ventoso is an ordinary blue-collar community – mothers push baby strollers, men smoke outside cafes, buses chug up and down the cobbled main street. Ten years ago, the Lisbon neighborhood was a hellhole, a “drug […]
Top 8 Drug Stories of 2010
Momentum Is Building to End the Failed Drug War The debate around failed marijuana prohibition and the larger drug war arrived in a big way in 2010. Here are some of the most significant stories of the year. It’s been a difficult year for progressives, and most other Americans as […]