Dispensaries are Indispensable

As you may be aware, Health Canada last month announced some proposed amendment to the MMAR and are engaging in a consultation period this month. More information can be found on their website: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/marihuana/index-eng.php.

The Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries has launched a “Dispensaries are Indispensable” National Endorsement Campaign. The Campaign is aimed at collecting endorsements from medical cannabis patients who access their medicine at dispensaries across Canada. We want to send a message to Health Canada that dispensaries are providing patients with valuable and valued services and should be included in the legal framework of medical cannabis in Canada.

Please sign an endorsement online if you access your cannabis at a dispensary in Canada, and please feel free to put a link to this campaign on your various websites: http://thecompassionclub.org/endorsementcampaign