• DrugSense

    With Appreciation

    Twenty-five years. A quarter of a century. That’s the age of the oldest article in the archive of the Media Awareness Project. Dated January 1990, this initial clipping hailed from the San Francisco Chronicle and concerned the emerging AIDS epidemic.

    Twenty years. One fifth of a century. That is age of DrugSense, the 501(c)(3) non-profit that operates MAP.

    Over the last two decades, DrugSense/MAP volunteers have meticulously built the archive to a quarter of a million – yes, 250,000! – newspaper, magazine and web articles on all aspects of drug policy, both in the United States and worldwide. A strategic, timely and highly respected resource, the MAP archive charts the course of this evolving public policy and tells the story of medical cannabis, needle exchange, asset forfeiture and the other topics it covers through an easily accessible and fully searchable database.

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  • DrugSense

    The Drug News “Bot” App, for Android Mobiles

    For a decade, the drug news bot has continually spidered the web for the latest breaking drug-policy related news. Now, the 1,000 drug -related articles the bot analyzes each day can be at your fingertips, fast with the Bot android app.

    Drug Policy News Feeds

    The Bot app knows all about the drug news bot’s many topics, tags, and related search terms (the news bot’s “concepts”). Choose from over 450 illegal drug and drug-policy topics, and have Bot bring the news to you.

    You can choose news feeds from narrow topics of interest (cannabis, 2ci,opioid, …) or from broad categories of interest (drugwar propaganda, drug_czar, narcotic, prohibitionist, etc.) Select concepts using the Bot app’s built-in concept (topic tree) browser, or from an index. Or, if you like, add your own news feeds, from (RSS) sources you choose.

    If you want, the Bot app will update newsfeeds you desire automatically. The app can (optionally) notify you when something new has arrived on a feed.

    Play Bot Podcasts

    The newsbot site produces many drug-policy related podcasts, every day. The Bot app makes listening to Bot’s podcasts easy.

    Analyze Drug War Rhetoric

    The Bot app makes it easy to spot drug warrior rhetoric and propaganda. Using the app’s text analysis feature, paste (or enter) in some questionable drug-war text, and Bot will analyze the text for you.

    Augment Your Drug-Policy Reality

    Using the Bot app’s “Analyze Camera” feature, you can even point your
    android camera at some text, and Bot will analyze text it sees, and tell
    you the results.

    the Bot app – available at google play!




    For more information, write: [email protected]

  • Cannabis & Hemp - DrugSense - Feature

    Could Legalizing Marijuana in California Help Cure Breast

    Newshawk: Medical Marijuana www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/node/54
    Pubdate: Tue, 26 Oct 2010
    Source: AlterNet (US Web)
    Author: Mary Jane Borden

    For 70 years, we’ve been taught that marijuana has no accepted
    medical use and that its high potential for abuse demands absolute
    prohibition. Medical research has been nearly impossible since
    obtaining the substance for legitimate studies is restricted by the
    federal government.

    But for a moment, forget the anti-drug ads of stoned teenagers
    passing the bong and click instead on the National Library of
    Medicine’s website, “Pubmed.gov.” Look under “breast cancer and
    cannabinoid” and you will find studies in scientific journals like
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment that should warrant immediate
    action: “Our data demonstrate the efficacy of CBD in pre-clinical
    models of breast cancer. The results have the potential to lead to
    the development of novel non-toxic compounds for the treatment of
    breast cancer metastasis…”

    A study in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics says, “These results
    indicate that CB1 and CB2 receptors could be used to develop novel
    therapeutic strategies against breast cancer growth and metastasis.”
    And this from the journal Molecular Cancer: “these results provide a
    strong preclinical evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based
    therapies for the management of ErbB2-positive breast cancer.” What’s
    more, this basic research also extols the safety of potential
    cannabinoid therapies.

    The science behind these studies finds that the human body contains
    its own internal system interrelated with molecules in the cannabis
    plant–AKA marijuana. A neurological signaling structure called the
    endocannabinoid system is now known to govern numerous bodily
    processes like appetite, pain, and even the birth of new brain cells.
    Cannabinoid receptors, called CB1 and CB2, are located in various
    cell membranes and activated by the body’s own cannabinoid molecules
    (endocannabinoids), as well as those unique to the cannabis plant
    (THC, CBD) and synthetically-derived cannabinoids like MarinolRegistered .

    And now, the latest research is proving that cannabinoids, as part of
    this bodily system, play a mitigating role in breast cancer.

    Breast cancer is a frightening diagnosis that will confront about 1
    in 8 American women this year. Some 40,000 will die from it. An
    unusual lump in a breast can grow through four increasingly incurable
    stages and sometimes into other tissue. Therapies involve invasive
    surgery, heavy radiation, and toxic chemotherapy. Current anti-cancer
    drugs may kill cancer cells, but they also destroy non-cancerous
    tissue and damage heart muscle. Intractable nausea and vomiting
    comprise just one side effect. The disease may be worse than the cure
    but the cure can also kill.

    But suppose some scientist has just come out of the jungle with an
    unknown plant that holds this much promise. It would be featured in
    the nightly news and on the front page of every newspaper. Well, we
    now have before us scientific clues that seem to point toward a
    revolution in breast cancer treatment, yet the government still
    manages to bury this amazing discovery.

    Why? Politics. The “Devil Weed” has always been a favorite target for
    tough-on-crime politicians. Over the decades, they have assembled a
    labyrinth of governmental agencies with multi-billion dollar budgets
    that enforce marijuana laws, ignore the science, thwart clinical
    research–and constantly reinforce anti-pot stereotypes.

    [continues] http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10.n870.a09.html

  • DrugSense

    CN BC: Edu: A Passion for Social Justice

    Newshawk: Congratulations Philippe http://drugsense.org/pages/phil
    Pubdate: Mon, 14 Jun 2010
    Source: Ring, The (U of Victoria, CN BC Edu)
    Copyright: 2010 The Ring
    Contact: [email protected]
    Website: http://ring.uvic.ca/
    Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/2134
    Photo: Lucas with statue of Sir John A. MacDonald at Victoria City
    Hall. http://www.mapinc.org/images/lucas.jpg
    Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/people/Philippe+Lucas


    Victoria City Councillor and Vancouver Island Compassion Society
    founder Philippe Lucas has had his share of life experiences. Lucas
    was exposed to hepatitis C through the tainted blood supply at age
    12, but the condition was only diagnosed in 1995, the same year that
    his father committed suicide. “Sometimes life makes choices for us,
    and with the benefit of a little longevity we can see that even the
    most adverse event or situation can lead to some positive outcomes,”
    says Lucas, whose personal experiences with medical cannabis led him
    to conduct a number of research projects on this topic over the last 15 years.

    Graduating with a Master of Arts in Studies in Policy and Practice-an
    interdisciplinary graduate program in the Faculty of Human and Social
    Development aimed at those involved in social activism, human
    services and community work-has provided an opportunity to “deepen
    the theoretical underpinnings that form the base of progressive
    reform efforts, particularly in the area of drug policy,” says Lucas.

    Recipient of the 2007 UVic Blue and Gold award for community
    contributions, Lucas has worked towards raising awareness on social
    issues such as homelessness, drug policy reform and food security.
    Currently a research affiliate and board member with the Centre for
    Addictions Research of BC at UVic, Lucas says, “I have a passion for
    work and research around progressive social change towards the
    legitimization of a patient-centered, community-based approach to
    medical cannabis.”