Letter of the Week

And of Marijuana (IV)

Posted on:

Re: Pot Dangers ( III ), letter, Oct.  4; Marijuana Has No Place In Society, letter, Sept.  30; A Misguided Sense Of Justice, letter, Sept.  28. Some of the U.S.  hysteria about marijuana seems to be rubbing off on Canadians.  I don’t doubt Dr.  Henry T.  Chuang’s sincerity in opposing […]

Letter of the Week

A Misguided Sense of Justice

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Re: Pot Growers Face More Jail Than Rapists, Sept.  23. I read with disbelief the proposed criminal code changes that appear to suggest that the Canadian government thinks growing marijuana is equal to pedophilia.  I would rather have someone grow 1,000 pot plants than for them to harm a single […]

Letter of the Week

Facts About Pain And Cannabis

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‘Christine’ says arthritis is not an excuse to take illegal drugs, and ‘it’s a known fact that cannabis leads to paranoia’ ( LT, September 2 ). Firstly, it is not an ‘illegal drug’, it is the possession, cultivation and supply that is illegal. There is a big distinction there: the […]

Letter of the Week

Crime Program A Waste

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Re: CRIME program to continue for now, Tuesday, Aug.  9 Tribune. “CRIME-subsidizing program to continue for now” would be a more accurate headline. The people most pleased about this “eradication” policy are the 90-95 per cent of growers who will never be caught. This colossal waste of time and money […]

Letter of the Week

Pot Persecution Unjust

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Dear Editor, I can’t be the only non-user who is fed up with the persecution of medical marijuana outlets by police [Clients fume over marijuana loss, Aug.  30, Langley Advance]. The clients of these medical distribution centres come with a prescription referred by a doctor.  Therefore, the police are subordinating […]

Letter of the Week

Insite Insight

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Re: “No fan of Insite,” Letter, Sept.  8. MP Joy Smith states there are “no peer-reviewed, scientifically sound studies that support claims that safe injection sites save lives and have significant success in helping their clients to become drug free.” This is either misinformed or intentionally misleading. Since 2003, Insite, […]

Letter of the Week

Legalize Drugs To Cut Violence

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British Columbia ——- It seems only a matter of time before more innocent bystanders are killed in a gangland shooting. Alcohol prohibition in the U.S.  years ago caused gangland wars and shootings to a huge degree.  The cost in human lives and money spent on police and court time was […]

Letter of the Week

The Point

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We unequivocally support removing marijuana growing operations from the Mendocino National Forest and all other public lands.  We consider this a no-brainer.  However, it is our obligation as elected officials to do more than simply line up behind what’s popular.  We also consider it our duty to define solutions to […]

Letter of the Week


Posted on:

Re: “Drugs: Illegal for a reason,” Daily News editorial, July 21. What absolute claptrap! Drugs are indeed prohibited “for a reason” but to argue that drugs are banned because of the harm they do makes no sense whatsoever. Nearly all the harm done to users and non-users alike by illegal […]