Letter Writer of the Month

Letter Writer of the Month – April

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ROBERT SHARPE DrugSense recognizes Robert Sharpe for his 11 letters published during April, bringing the total number of published letters archived by MAP to 2,475. Robert spends about an hour a day after work sending out letters. Where appropriate Robert references specific Drug War Facts http://www.drugwarfacts.org . Robert’s tips for […]

Letter Writer of the Month

Letter Of The Week

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SOME DON’T UNDERSTAND NEEDS OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENTS Today is a very sad day. As a medical marijuana caregiver, it is always sad to read in the obituaries that one of your patients has died from the debilitating effects of cancer. I watched her struggle with her disease for the […]

Letter Writer of the Month

Letter Writer of the Month – December – Allan Erickson

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DrugSense recognizes Allan Erickson of Eugene, Oregon for his three published letters during December, which brings his total published letters that we know of to 152. Allan is a frequent MAP newshawk and writes a blog at http://morningdonut.blogspot.com/ You may read his published letters at: http://www.mapinc.org/writers/Allan+Erickson