Leaf introduces Dr. William Courtney and Kristen Peskuski of Cannabis International; along with the people involved in researching, promoting, regulating and benefiting from raw cannabis. Dr. Courtney is a physician and researcher from Mendocino, California, who gives medical marijuana approvals to qualified patients in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Kristen Peskuski […]
Calgary addicts no longer given crack pipes
CBC News Aug 19, 2011 Alberta health officials will no longer hand out free crack pipes to addicts in Calgary. For three years Alberta Health Services [AHS] has been quietly handing out clean crack pipes to drug users on the street through a mobile van program called Safeworks. Continues: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2011/08/19/calgary-crack-pipes-street-health.html
Re: “Drugs: Illegal for a reason,” Daily News editorial, July 21. What absolute claptrap! Drugs are indeed prohibited “for a reason” but to argue that drugs are banned because of the harm they do makes no sense whatsoever. Nearly all the harm done to users and non-users alike by illegal […]
Seattle Hempfest
Seattle Hempfest is held the third weekend in August each year. The next Seattle Hempfest is August 19-20-21, 2011,. It’s open to the public on Friday from 12 noon to 8 pm, and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm. Admission to Seattle Hempfest is free. The […]
Re: “Grow op kids need help,” Editorial, July 30. I must take issue with your editorial regarding the removal of children from homes where there is illegal marijuana being grown. You spoke of the authorities and the parents, but you forgot the children themselves. What impact do you think it […]
The War on Drugs: Doubling Down on a Bad Bet
According to The New York Times, America’s war on drugs has entered a new phase: It’s so successful that the CIA is planning to send retired military personnel and private contractors to Mexico to bring the battle to the doorstep of the organized crime cartels. Well, that’s not quite the […]
Majority of Americans Ready to Legalize Marijuana
As was the case last year, most respondents believe the “War on Drugs” has been a failure. Many Americans continue to believe that marijuana should be legalized, but are not supportive of making other drugs readily available, a new Angus Reid Public Opinion poll has found. In the online survey […]
‘War On Drugs’ Distracts From Fighting Crime
Re: “Legal drugs and gangs,” July 1. The editorial on the failed “war on drugs” is music to the ears of the criminal justice professionals who make up Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. We know, from personal experience, that prohibition enriches criminal gangs and fosters criminal activity while doing nothing to […]