Drug Policy Question of the Week – 2-8-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 2-8-11. http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3261 Question of the Week: How are women affected by the drug war? According to the 2009 National Survey for Drug Use and Health, […]
Letter Of The Week
DRUG WAR PROFITS AT STAKE Thomas Ravenel’s Feb. 5 commentary regarding legalizing drugs gives me grave concern. Legalization could severely impact the socio-economic fabric of our state. He asks, ‘Has all that incarcerating (of drug users) helped?’ Yes! The Drug War ‘industrial complex’ is thriving. South Carolina law enforcement agencies, […]
ALERT: #464 Will Montana Repeal Its Medical Marijuana Law?
WILL MONTANA REPEAL ITS MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAW? ********************************************************************** DrugSense FOCUS Alert #464 – Thursday , February 17th, 2011 It seems more likely than not that the Montana Legislature http://leg.mt.gov/ will repeal the state’s medical marijuana law. In November 2004, Montana passed Initiative 148 http://www.dphhs.mt.gov/medicalmarijuana/i148text.pdf , allowing certain patients with specific […]
Can a Single Pill Change Your Life?
MDMA—the active ingredient in the party drug Ecstasy—has been reviled as a menace, a scourge, and even a killer. Now some therapists claim it can help light the way out of a traumatic past and beyond the painful feelings that keep us from the life we want.
Anti-Stigma Week: Time to Reflect and Act
It has been incredible to see a diverse group of people and organizations pool their skills and resources to mount Anti-Stigma Week, with activities that all have one goal – enhancing individual and community health and well-being by transforming stigma around drug use. This year’s Anti-Stigma Week theme is Drug […]
Drug War Anniversary a Time for Reflection and Action
By Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director, Drug Policy Alliance Some anniversaries provide an occasion for celebration, others a time for reflection, still others a time for action. This June will mark forty years since President Nixon declared a “war on drugs,” identifying drug abuse as “public enemy No. 1.” As far […]
Letter Of The Week
BROKE CALIFORNIA IS WASTING MONEY ON BUSTS It has been 15 years, and law enforcement still thinks the medical marijuana laws are confusing. As long as marijuana is not taxed and regulated like booze and tobacco, this is going to happen. Law enforcement has to do this to prop up […]
YouGov/Economist Poll Finds Most Americans Support Marijuana Legalization
By Jacob Sullum A new YouGov poll commissioned by The Economist finds most Americans support marijuana legalization. Here is the question: Some people say marijuana should be treated like alcohol and tobacco. They say it should be regulated and taxed and made illegal for minors. Do you agree? Fifty-eight percent […]