Drug Policy Question of the Week – 2-5-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 2-5-11. http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3256 Question of the Week: What are Special Rapporteurs? Shortly after enacting its charter in 1946, the United Nations established the Commission on Human […]
What are Entheogens?
Drug Policy Question of the Week – 1-26-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 1-26-11. http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3243 Question of the Week: What are Entheogens? A paper in the Journal of Consciousness Studies defined entheogens as, “psychoactive agents more generally known […]
Letter Writer of the Month – January – Howard J. Wooldridge
DrugSense recognizes Officer Howard J. Wooldridge (retired) of Buckeystown, Maryland for his three published letters during January, which brings his total published letters that we know of to 227. Howard is a Drug Policy Specialist with Citizens Opposing Prohibition COP is Your Voice in the United States Congress You may […]
New Dialogue Report Calls For Alternative Approaches To Drug War
Most Americans believe that the country’s forty-year “war on drugs” has failed. Yet, despite the costs and growing opposition to US anti-narcotics strategy across Latin America, the US debate on drug policy remains muted. According to Rethinking US Drug Policy, a report released in January by the Inter-American Dialogue, what […]
Letter Of The Week
A LIFE WITHOUT PAIN Re “Puff piece” by Nick Miller (SN&R Feature, January 20): I just read your article and I only wanted to comment on one thing: I was raised by Mr. Mackey’s motto: “Drugs are bad!” I was hit by a car at age 13 and afterward suffered […]
The Obama Administration’s Public Health Approach to Drug Policy
By R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy President Obama’s comments during last week’s live YouTube interview about the need to approach our national drug problem from a public health perspective were timely, thoughtful, and well-grounded in what science tells us about drug use and […]
Amsterdam is done. Where will potheads turn now?
By Agence France-Presse Sunday, January 30th, 2011 MAASTRICHT, Netherlands — Learning to grow their own weed or finding a dealer: French and Belgian potheads are seeking alternatives to the famous Dutch coffee shop as The Hague plans to cut off drug tourists. Incensed by the “nuisance” caused by millions of […]
Letter Of The Week
ANOTHER CASUALTY OF THE DRUG WAR RE “Homicide fight centers on drug trade” (Page A1, Jan. 12): During a raid of a suspect’s Dorchester home, one detective, spotting a child, says, “Let him sleep. Because he’ll never forget it.” You can bet that 4-year-old will never forget seeing his father […]