WAR ONLY ON CERTAIN DRUGS Re: “Losing the drug war,” by Charles Guerriero, Saturday Letters. Guerriero writes, “American drug policy toward marijuana yields nearly one million arrests annually; nine of 10 are for personal possession. We have nothing to show for all this madness, as marijuana is easier to obtain […]
A National Call to Action!
Activist Boot Camp, February 19-20, 2011 The National Call to Action is the nation’s first medical cannabis virtual skill-building conference. Re-pledge your commitment to safe and legal access by joining thousands of your fellow activists for two days of community-building, skill-sharing, and strategic planning. For nearly a decade ASA has […]
DEA Postition on Marijuana
The campaign to legitimize what is called “medical” marijuana is based on two propositions: first, that science views marijuana as medicine; and second, that the DEA targets sick and dying people using the drug. Neither proposition is true. Specifically, smoked marijuana has not withstood the rigors of science–it is not […]
Mexico’s Ex-President Vicente Fox: Legalize Drugs
As Mexico drowns in drug related bloodshed — suffering almost 12,000 murders in 2010 — it is perhaps unsurprising that government critics turn up their screaming that the war on drugs isn’t working. But it was a bit of a bombshell when former president Vicente Fox added his voice to […]
National Drug Control Strategy goals
Drug Policy Question of the Week – 1-22-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 1-22-11. http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3238 Question of the Week: Does the National Drug Control Strategy achieve its goals? A 2008 Congressional Research Service report describes a document released […]
Drugged: High on Marijuana
Drugged: High on Marijuana uses visual effects and CGI to take the viewer on a trip through the human body. Using testimony from those who enjoy using the drugs, and those who have been addicted, the episode offers an insight into the realities of these drugs. Some of Britain and […]
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday
By Anthony Papa Is the Drug War the Next Big Civil Rights Issue? How do we begin to address the connections between astronomical rates of incarceration, disintegration of black families, and the war on drugs?
Letter Of The Week
PROHIBITION ENABLES DEADLY DRUG TRADE A Dec. 30 Columbian story “Safe streets” declared “For this story we’ve looked at just three serious crimes, the kind folks might worry about. We added assaults, burglaries and drug crimes for each area.” Excuse me? There weren’t enough rapes and murders so The Columbian […]
Politics, Parenting, Pot or Psychosis: What Caused the Arizona Shootings?
By Maia Szalavitz When an act of seemingly inexplicable violence like the Arizona massacre occurs, everyone is desperate for explanations. Some look to political rhetoric, some look to mental illness, some blame the parents, others point to marijuana. But what’s really at fault? The reality is clearly complex. As researchers […]