As many of you know, Marc Emery has been jailed in the United States for the last year serving out a five year sentence for distributing millions of cannabis seeds in an effort to raise money to support cannabis law reform. For the last several months he has been in […]
Nanny of the Month: Drug Warrior-in-Chief Barack Obama! dishonors go to the Drug Warrior-in-Chief Barack Obama, whose DEA banned fake pot, thwarted a scientist’s decade-long campaign to study marijuana, and raided dispensaries in Montana and California—all in one month!
Letter Of The Week
STOP PUTTING GARDENERS BEHIND BARS It looks like the taxpayers of Illinois are going to be paying for the room and board of another felony gardener. ( “Area drug agents seize cannabis plants, suspect still at large” 3-10-11 ). Have your local police solved all of your rapes, robberies and […]
Drug Courts Are Not the Answer
Drug Courts are Not the Answer finds that drug courts are an ineffective and inappropriate response to drug law violations. Many, all the way up to the Obama administration, consider the continued proliferation of drug courts to be a viable solution to the problem of mass arrests and incarceration of […]
Better Living Through Chemistry: the documentary
Project by Connie Littlefield Conceptafilm is making a feature length documentary called “Better Living Through Chemistry.” This film will tell the story of underground psychedelic chemistry: the people who made the drugs; their adventures evading the law; and society’s mixed emotions about the experiences they produced. Beginning with the prohibition […]
Letter Of The Week
CRIMINAL PROHIBITION MAKES CANNABIS WORTH FIGHTING FOR In attempting to blame cannabis consumers for black market violence (“Violence follows industry, cops warn,” March 9), RCMP Cpl. Peter DeVries came tantalizingly close to understanding the problem. DeVries remarked “because of its monetary value as a commodity, marijuana is inextricably tied to […]
Can people with a drug conviction vote?
Drug Policy Question of the Week – 3-22-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 3-22-11. Question of the Week: Can people with a drug conviction vote? Just before the election last fall, the Sentencing Project reported, “… more […]
What is dronabinol?
Drug Policy Question of the Week – 3-12-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 3-12-11. Question of the Week: What is dronabinol? A November 2010 Federal Register posting by the Drug Enforcement Administration defined dronabinol as, “the United […]
What can hemp be used for?
Drug Policy Question of the Week – 3-2-11 As answered by Mary Jane Borden, Editor of Drug War Facts for the Drug Truth Network on 3-2-11. Question of the Week: What can hemp be used for? A 2010 report from the Congressional Research Service defines, “Hemp, also called “industrial […]