“The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world,” a high-powered commission whose members include former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz and former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan warns today.
Nanny of the Month: Drug Warrior-in-Chief Barack Obama!
Reason.tv dishonors go to the Drug Warrior-in-Chief Barack Obama, whose DEA banned fake pot, thwarted a scientist’s decade-long campaign to study marijuana, and raided dispensaries in Montana and California—all in one month!
Better Living Through Chemistry: the documentary
Project by Connie Littlefield Conceptafilm is making a feature length documentary called “Better Living Through Chemistry.” This film will tell the story of underground psychedelic chemistry: the people who made the drugs; their adventures evading the law; and society’s mixed emotions about the experiences they produced. Beginning with the prohibition […]
Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health – Documentary
In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health. This game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the real science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant. Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human […]
Drug Czar Says LEAP Is Wrong
In an interview with KCTS in Seattle, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske (a former Seattle police chief) disputed facts in an op-ed, by LEAP speaker Norm Stamper (also a former Seattle chief) on how the Obama administration continues to emphasize funding for punishment over funding for treatment despite having lots of […]